12″ l-shape vinyl wristbands
12″ l shape vinyl wristbands
Similar to our regular 10″ vinyl, these 12″ wristbands are made of 3 layers of vinyl, fused together, with a male/female snap and adjustable holes to fit various wrist sizes.KSh 30.0012″ l-shape vinyl wristbands
KSh 30.00 -
1″ wide by 10″ long.
Consecutively numbered and stick using an extremely strong adhesive.
Contain tamper-shredding slits, which make it impossible to remove from one wrist and re-stick onto another.
The Tyvek material used is extremely strong, non-stretch or tear, and is completely waterproof.KSh 25.00Arrows
KSh 25.00 -
Black : tyvek wristbands
Black : tyvek wristbands
Our 1″ tyvek wristbands are 1″ wide by 10″ long.
Consecutively numbered and stick using an extremely strong adhesive.
They contain tamper-shredding slits, which make it impossible to remove from one wrist and re-stick onto another.
The Tyvek material used is extremely strong, non-stretch or tear, and is completely waterproof.KSh 20.00KSh 25.00Black : tyvek wristbands
KSh 20.00KSh 25.00 -
Wristbands are 1″ wide by 10″ long.
Consecutively numbered and stick using an extremely strong adhesive.
They contain tamper-shredding slits, which make it impossible to remove from one wrist and re-stick onto another.
The Tyvek material used is extremely strong, non-stretch or tear, and is completely waterproof.KSh 25.00Bowling
KSh 25.00 -
Coloured customized
Coloured customized
Our 1″ tyvek wristbands are 1″ wide by 10″ long.
Consecutively numbered and stick using an extremely strong adhesive.
They contain tamper-shredding slits, which make it impossible to remove from one wrist and re-stick onto another.
The Tyvek material used is extremely strong, non-stretch or tear, and is completely waterproof.KSh 25.00Coloured customized
KSh 25.00 -
Debossed silicone wristbands
Debossed silicone wristbands
We produce both Debossed and Imprinted bands.
Debossed bands include your slogan or artwork “carved” in to the band, while imprinted bands feature your artwork printed across the band
KSh 50.00Debossed silicone wristbands
KSh 50.00